June 25, 2012

Glory Meeting

If you could ask God a question, any question, and He would answer it, what would that question be?  This was the question Sheldon David purposed to a small group of people who comes to his home for a Thursday Bible study. He asked us to think about it and then come to what he called a “glory meeting" on Friday night a week later and expect to hear an answer from God.

David has often prayed for and prophesied over people and has said things he personally didn’t know, but God did. When David is tapped into the anointing, God is able to reveal many things to him. God also wants others to know how much He really cares about their desires and/or needs. Plus, God also wants to share His heart.

The apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthians to prophesy. (First Corinthians 14:5) Speaking positive words and bring hope into people's lives has always been the heart of the Father. But this time, David is doing something just a little different and unique.

Anyway, I told my wife about the meeting and the question offered, because of her job she’s not usually able to come to the Bible studies. But she would be able to come to the “Glory Meeting.” So a few days later, I asked her if she had thought about her question, and she said, "Yes." She stated, that although there are many things she would like to know her real desire would be to hear what God thought was most important for her to know. I was surprised, and told her that it was exactly how I felt.

Although there are a number of questions I could ask, especially about going to Mexico and all the situations I might face. Yet, if it were all to boil down to just one question, it would have to be what God thinks is best for me to know at this time.

This was kind of like what God asked King Solomon, what he wanted, and Solomon asked for wisdom. I realize it’s not exactly the same, because we are asking God to reveal something, instead of receiving. Besides we already have everything in Christ at our disposal. So what would your question be if God asked you?

The “glory meeting" started at 6:30 with worship. We could already feel the presence of the Lord as we sat quietly waiting on Him. Before David prayed, he said Israel also has a prayer tonight, but he doesn’t know it yet. Then David said there was a spiritual vibration, a rippling going forth. Then the Lord said, “It’s meant to shake to reestablish order—words spoken tonight are not small, weak or unimportant. They are meant to affect the future, the world and people’s lives. Believe it will happen. They will bring down obstacles near and far. You will also get your answers tonight, and obstacles will fall away.” 
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is LIBERTY!

Then I prophesied, “Be still and know that I am God. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…I’m not the God of Christianity, Muslim, the Hindus, or Judaism I am the Lord God creator of heaven and earth and I won’t share my glory with none other than My sons and daughters. You are my sons, my chosen ones sent to establish, to liberate and to call forth what is not seen as though it were. You hear my voice, and you have been prepared, and predestined to speak for me.“ Then I prayed, “We yield to your Glory. We yield to your Glory! Then the Lord continued to speak, “I’m kissing your hearts and souls alive. I want you to set people free, to restore lives and raise the dead, to bring forth the heart of the father to the fatherless. This world is hurting and hungry and I need you to speak for me, multiply bread to feed the poor and the hungry, to break bread for the world. You are my hand and feet and My voice. I need you, just as much as you need me —we are one! I hear your words, and your prayers are being answered even before you finishing speaking. Angels are attending, waiting to act on your behalf. Establish what Jesus said is finished, accomplished it on earth as it is in heaven!!!”

We continued to pray, asking God to break the spirit of addiction across our nation and the world. To set prostitutes free who are either bound in body, mind or spirit. To break the spirit of poverty, abuse, hate, fear, sickness and disease off people lives, and to restore eyes to see, ears to hear, minds and hearts to receive the Truth. We even prayed for the Lord to save the drug lords or cut them off, and to bring integrity back into the work place and the leaders of our nation.

Then David played some special worship music that lasted for about forty minutes. However, on the last song David asked for everyone to stand. And while we were standing I felt God asking me to do something else. I had brought my two-hand double edge sword to the meeting, but I didn’t know why. But, by the time the song was over I knew what I had to do. So I asked everyone to remain standing, and then picked up my sword and walked to the center of the room with it held in both hands.

There were sixteen people there, counting David, and I told them this sword represented the Sword of the Lord. And I am giving it to you to receive it, as from the Lord, and then I want you to give it to the person next to you. You can pull it out of its sheath, if you want to, but be very careful it is very, very sharp.

I told them the Sword of the Lord represent His power and authority that is given to you tonight. (It is also used to cut off those things that hinder or bind you or others.) Your words have power and authority. You speak for God, so be bold; God’s not a winnie. And while they passed the sword around, I got down on my knees, bowed and prayed this declaration: 

"Father...the United States of America bows before you and it yields its power and authority to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The countries of Mexico, Latin America, South America and Canada all bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The Far East, Asia and Japan bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Europe, the Middle East and the Nation of Israel all bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Australia and Africa also bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and every nation on earth bows to the Lordship. Every man, women and child bows before Jesus Christ, including every man-made god and idol. And we in this room here also bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, for You alone are God, King of kings and Lord of lords. All praise, glory and honor belong to You, and You alone."

Then David prayed another powerful prayer and then God spoke to each of us through David. Whatever the question on our minds that night God answered them and more. We didn’t even have to ask. When it came time for my turn, I had no idea what the Father would say, but this is what He said:  

“Israel, Wow, what you have become—a holy terror to the enemy. You can rejoice in that! Your coming to Vancouver will have a huge payoff. You will meet the Father, and be my prophet and a man of wisdom. Your name will not be cut off. It will be upon Joshua and many others, because you made wise choices. Don’t look so hard for it that you miss it. I’m revealing my heart to you, not in just one situation, but it will be a series of revelations. You will know the Father’s heart in sync for many years to come.”

Then the Father finished speaking to the others. There was one man there who was much older than me and God told him He wasn’t through with him. And his younger wife who is a quiet speaking oriental women, God saw her as a great warrior and scary to the enemy in her quietness. Her words went way out there, because she abides with Christ. God said He was putting her on a lamp stand to illuminate His house and be seen. And though she may not want that, the Father said, “I do and I win.” There was anther man there, about my age, who was worried about his unsaved sons, and God said to him, “I’ll take care of your children and you take care of mine, deal.”

It was an awesome night for everyone, one we would never forget, including my wife. She heard exactly what she needed to hear, that she was precious and a great women of great faith. God would meet her every need and desire. And He would send her a special (angelic?) friend to help see that her needs were met. And things would get easier for her.

Note: The reason I shared this “glory meeting” is because the words prophesied are for ALL of God's sons and daughters, and to give them some incite on God’s heart, of how He sees us, and that we should encourage others, because of how God see them. Our true identity is so important. I also want to encourage you to think and pray much bigger prayers. I know some people may think this is silly, but I don’t care. Elijah prayed and it stopped raining for three and a half years and then He prayed for rain. And if you think my prayers are too big, you should hear Sheldon’s prayers. They are mind-boggling and sometimes very long. These prayers may take a long for us to see them accomplish, but it’s still the kind God want to hear, there is no time or space with Him. We speak His heart and vision and the angelic forces will do the rest.

“Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.” (Mark 11: 23-26) All of this is based on our faith and forgiveness.

 (A special thanks to my wife for taking notes during the meeting.)