November 4, 2013

Six More Months

Even creation lifts up holy hands and gives praise to God.
Back in Mexico again, I returned from the USA last Thursday after spending a few days there doing a little shopping, and had some maintained done on my van. I also renewed my tourist visa, at the border, to stay another six more months in Mexico.

This past year was quite an experience, some bad, but mostly good, and through it all I saw the faithfulness of my Father and His love for me. Some things did not go as I had hoped, but my life has changed. Getting to know my Heavenly Father was and is my number one priority; the other stuff will come or go at the proper time. However, it does make it challenging to write at times. My life for many people may seem boring, but not to me. As I have studied the scriptures, many men of God lives, they would look about same as mine, if they had not been condensed into a few chapters or even a small book in the Bible. 

However, I have come to learn in this past season that God was not interested in productivity as much as He is in an intimate relationship and waiting on Him. I have been very blessed to be on this journey. Even while I was in Tucson shopping, I saw God wanting to bless me in such simple ways that many take for granted. My focus is on Christ and helping the poor people, so while I was at Costco in Tucson, Arizona, He encouraged me to treat myself to something simple that I would enjoy eating. So I got some snacks for me and to give to other people. I also got more food at the Dollar Store, but there were so many good deals that I had to pass on, because of space and money.
Great food and friends

I have also seen many little miracles, in my day to day walk with the Lord that many people miss, because of their lack of faith. I eat by faith, drive by faith, live by faith in serving Him and helping others, plus now I have a house to live in, as long as God wants me there. My landlord says I’m welcome to stay as long as I want, until the place sells. I enjoy the simple life God has given me. I am also making more new friend as doors have opened on the Internet to communicate with them, and so I can now encourage or prophecy into their live. While I was at a border town, I even prayed with a Spanish man that I met at a Laundromat. These kinds of things are priceless to God. 

 Christ is the answer to all my problems, and I just do what He tells me and wait on Him. The bigger miracles will come, but for now I will enjoy having snacks and little spiritual treats with Abba Father. 
 A day with friends on the Lopez's small ranch. I called it Shalom and they liked it,                                   so they named it--Ranch of Shalom