April 22, 2014

Spring Break

This is the street corner near my house, it is also where the Paola was hit by a car.

 When I was living back in the United States, I heard the term “Spring Break” on the news every year where thousands of young college students who lived in the northeast, would head to the warm beaches of the south, especially in Florida, and they would party for days. This event usually took place during Easter weekend, yet had nothing to do with celebrating that religious holiday. It seem to be a time to escape and “go wild” after being trapped by a long cold winter, the rigors of life and the pressure of trying to achieving a higher education in a world that glorifies knowledge, money, sex, excess and success above everything else.

This young people go wild, because their soul is starving for the truth Bread of Life, but they don’t know it or how to obtain it. Many just try to satisfy that need with drinking, drugs and sexual promiscuity. But, none of these temporal things will truly satisfy the longing in their heart and soul.

I had never been at one of those events before, but I do know what it feels like to be lost and in need of a Savior. However, last week God gave me the opportunity to be at one. It was quite an experience and one that I will never forget; as thousands of young people descended on San Carlos, flooding the city streets and beaches with cars, bodies and tents.
They begin to gather on the street-side at sunset

Many camped on the beach or slept in their cars and pick-up trucks
However, it was not as bad as the reports I had heard of in the United States. The main street in town was bumper-to-bumper traffic and all turn lanes where block-off with barricades, so you had to drive the full length of town, over a mile and a half, before you could turn around to go the other direction. There were hundreds of police everywhere in cars and on foot; directing cars and watching people to make sure they were safe, behaved so nothing bad would happen. I only heard of one bad report where someone wallet was stolen at knife point; otherwise it was a peaceful and joyful time for everyone.
They were all having a great time; drinking lots of beer, talking, and smoking cigarettes. The nights are warm here and many girls wore light clothes with revealing tops or bathing suits, and some guy had no shirts; showing off their muscles or tattoos. And there was loud music was being played everywhere; some from car’s stereo or speakers at storefronts and many groups of musicians playing their instruments. Some people were dancing and singing, others chanting and talking. Many just sat and watched from retaining wall or chairs or the back-end of a pick-up truck parked close by. Most stores remained open, trying to cash-in on the revenue passing by, especially those places that sold beer and food.
More keep coming until you can hardly move.

There were also parents with children watching as people tried to go from one place to another. Some were toting or carrying large ice-chest, full of beer and ice. It was a carnival of sort, but no rides, just all kinds of food, snacks, treats and venders selling everything from flowers, to hats and other apparels, as well as with glowing things to wear on your head or some other part of your body, including temporary tattoos. 
At times it was difficult to even walk through some areas as people stopped at times to watch young couples doing ”dirty dancing”. Every now and then some people would start chanting or others would throw or spray beer high in the air and you would get caught in the shower, some even through their cans and that could hurt if there was much still left in it. I got caught in that situations a couple times, and there is nothing you could do, but wait it out. Yet I really didn’t mind, even though I don’t drink or like the smell of beer. I was there with God’s children, and enjoying being counted among the sinners and loving them.
This went on until 2 or 3am each night and the last night until 4am, but I went home after 1am, but I could still hear the music playing a hundred feet from my house. However, when I went out for my morning walk, I was surprised to see that the streets had been cleared and cleaned by street sweepers, and all trash barrels were emptied every morning. Even poor people who collected beer cans were doing a booming business as they too wondered through the crowd carrying large bags to retrieve the empty cans that were rarely thrown in a trash barrel. 
Pilar's art gallery in the back ground.

At night, I was often stopped by people who wanted to talk to me or have their picture taken with me. I was a total stranger and a “gringo,” but over the days and night I became their friend, and was often greeted each time we met again on my walk-through. I loved it, and in a way, I believe they were honoring me, even though they knew nothing about me, other than I told many that God loved them, and I loved Mexico.  They are the next generation and the future of Mexico, and I want to see their lives and hearts restored, and loving Abba Father with all their hearts. So they can live out their true destiny in the Kingdom of God. I also want to see change now; so I continue to pray and declare that the Holy Spirit is sweeping across this land and setting them free, filling their souls with His peace and joy that only Christ can give. 

Sure there was a lot of drinking and sex at these events, but I also believe it is a prophetic picture of the time when God’s children everywhere will be drunk on the Holy Spirit and experiencing ecstasy in Christ's love and amazing grace. There will be singing and dancing in the streets all over the world with praise and worship to the one true God. Their hungry and thirsty will be satisfied in His presence.

Abba Father intends to bless His children beyond our wildest dreams or expectations. Are we looking, praying and doing what He desires with expectancy in our heart? Our Lord and Husband, is doing a new thing and we must be willing to yield to His leading, if we want to dance with Him.