April 23, 2019


 In the Old Testament it says, God hates divorce, but in the New Testament, Jesus said that He came to divide. Both start with "D". but the end results are totally different. And so the Lord has had me end my marriage of almost 43 years, so that I can serve Him with all my heart, 100% of the time.

For a long time, many, many years. I have been double minded, trying to please God and my wife and it as not been working very well and we have been very unhappy as a results of those efforts. I know many people will be hurt and not understand. But I do know God's heart and I must follow Him alone, for the rest of my life, to fully fulfill my real purpose and calling from Him, while I am still on this earth.

When we became Christians most of us promised to forsake everything, and now I have. Jesus Christ is my all and my everything, my life and inheritance.