December 14, 2010

It Was For Love/God's love

Sons of God,

"I told you something tonight, that when you were born into a frame of a man; a human full of flaws, a race full of flaws—weeds. Into a family flawed and into a society flawed. And in spite of all the flaws, I have loved you. And grace multiplies and mercy is abundant and favor will be there everyday of your lives.

At times you make the right decisions, I am with you. And the days you make wrong decisions I am with you. I won't fail you. And I will turn the good, and I will turn the hard and difficult, and I will turn the impossible toward my plan and for you.

I sent you to be born into a fallen race and it was for love that you were given the obstacles. It was for love that you were given the pain and the failures. It was for love the you were given families, your desire and everything else. So that I could turn it toward the good. And I will turn it toward the good.

I'm not making it impossible for you to live, or to flourish, or to know me the way your hearts want to. Instead I have made it impossible for you to fail. The heart wants what the heart wants. And the heart will not be denied.

I put you into your flawed frame, so as to take many men and women out of prison. All I ask of you is to rest and abide, abide and rest—to lean on God—on God alone."

(a portion of a prophecy spoken by David on 10-29-2010)

God's Love

"You long for God to show Himself proud and powerful. To feel a need to feel the insecurities. I need to be loved, to be taken care of. Why does man long for what he already has?

I clothe you with my garment of peace. Why does man strive and long and fear about things he already has? All things were given to you in Christ Jesus—everything. Everything you need for tomorrow, will be released tomorrow.

Is there something I need to prove to you... my love to you? See you don't like it when others ask you to prove it that way and to test you. Maybe your love depend on determinants that they have imagined.

My love is contractual. My love is eternal. My love didn't begin when you raised your hand and asked Jesus into your heart. That's when the Holy Spirit came alive in your flesh. I stepped into you and you stepped into me, before any of that."

(A portion of a prophecy spoke on 10-15-2010)