March 25, 2011

An Audience of One

In my last article I mentioned that we have sometimes wondered what the readers on our blog site think. Here's a response from the Lord.

"You ask who's reading my stuff? Who really cares? I've asked you to stop thinking like an American thinks, and think like God thinks. That if God was your only audience would you sing, would you dance, would you write, would you paint, would you fight? If God was your only friend, your only audience. 

Tonight I'm suggesting—showing you that your audience is one. Christ is your audience. Those who are in Him or will be in Him—might have ears to hear and eyes to see. Because Christ is more than one man. He's a multi-member man. But your audience is one—Christ. And your life matters or I wouldn't have spent all these years with you—disciplining you, Fathering you, loving you, comforting you and provide a way for you to release all your guilt and shame or saved you. David, you realize you are speaking Kingdom things onto the earth you have a voice that carries... an ability to bring forth things to the earth."

"It is important to know who you are, but not necessary to tell everyone. Sometimes not even when people ask. But we should never be ashamed of how God see us or what He says we are. Humility is the true test of sonship. It's not necessary to go around and advertise who you are and there are some secrets that God shares that are meant to stay that way even from your spouse."

"Learning to be humble is not easy on the flesh. The flesh want to be recognized and be important. John the Baptist and Jesus both set good examples of true humility."

(A portions of a prophecy from David on August 27, 2010)