June 29, 2011

The Future

God desire to reveal the future to his sons and daughters. This often come through a dream, a visitation, or from a word of knowledge, or prophecy.  Yet, it helps when it is confirmed by the Lord himself. However, the future doesn't always happen the way we thought it would. Abraham was shown the future by God. Joseph had his dreams, and David was told by a prophet. Even Jesus told his disciple their future, yet not all of it was glamorous, but it would be victorious.

One evening on March 18th in our Friday meeting, we had been interceded for the nations with the heart of Abraham. I won't go into details, but it was one of the most powerful evening I've ever been in. It was just after midnight, and I watched David pour out his heart, in total amazement, as he interceded for the United States and the world. When he was through I also interceded for some other nations that had come to my mind earlier that evening. I already knew my ties to the nations of Israel, but I also requested to walk the shores of other nations.

Since that night, I have never been the same. The hunger for God and for His people have driven me to abandon everything for the Kingdom of God. As I have ponder these nations I saw myself driving there in my van and walking among the poor, lost and the hurting. But how this would happen, God only knows. But the Lord did say that by the end of this year, He would let me know when and where I would go. Then on May 13th, again in our Friday even meeting, God said to me that He would provide what I needed and that much of the details would be worked out while I was on the road. God also stated that, "Israel must cast off the United States, for Israel has been a servant to the United States far too long." Well, that got my mind to spinning to say the least, but I also realize now that the message was two fold. One for me and the other for the Nations of Israel.

Then on the morning of May 19, I was laying in bed and wondering where God would want me to spend most of my time or even my last days. I then realized God had already given me a clue when He had changed my name. Yes, the Nation of Israel, I believe that's where my future would be. Later that day I went over to Sheldon's and shared my thoughts with him, about living in the country of Israel. He agreed with me and said, "How's that for a confirmation."

I've only been to Israel once before, as I wrote about in my article The Sands of Abraham, posted last November. I was in my early twenty's then, but this time I will be in my sixties and living there. Wow.  I love the people and it would be nice to live on the Mediterranean coast or by the Sea of Galilee, but anywhere God wants me will be fine with me. My desire is to see, experience, and participate in the spiritual restoration that Nation. God indicated last year that something major would happen in Israel between the year 2017 and 2018. God also said He would show me the Middle East. I would love to serve there too. Here's a portion of a prophecy from last November regarding my connection with the Nation of Israel.

"The plan for Israel's salvation is prophesied through the salvation of Israel David. And He has often wondered why his hearing, why hearing, why his hearing. And look at the nation of Israel and it's hearing. And if you see and agree with me. And prophesy into that people, that their ears open to the heart of a prophet and of God. Then you too will reap into that sowing, says the Lord— because all Israel shall be saved. All! And you will stop fearing the future. And you'll start rejoicing, because you've seen the future. And that future is not one of loss, it one of gain and salvation.

It's as if your Father took you Himself and embraced you and fixed you, and reproved you, and saved you... Your life is a prophecy. Because when I molded your body and form, and your DNA from the depth of the earth, I did it for a precise time and purpose. And though it has feels as though every devil has resisted you and shroud of rejection has haunted you, and dragged you for most of your life. Tonight, I peal that off and I remove that garment of anxiety and fear for the future. And I say you have been called, you have been blessed and you have been approved by Me, says the Lord. And you future will be perfect and it will be beautiful.

Your lives will increase and improve and flourish in 2011, 2012, 2013 and on and on. Abraham lost a son indeed and so have you, but he gained the world and a nation and so have you. And God ways are beyond human ways. Indeed! And so I have given you a wife of wisdom and knowledge. Though she will not direct you, she will support and honor you. Stop doubting that. That's a spirit of doubt that you must cast off when it tries to come to you, and says that your wife will not.

I have brought you into the future, says the Lord. Here, you sit in November 2010 and yet your hearts are up here, out there in the future. And miracles happen at your hand—both of you. You saw that I restored everything. Your life Israel, prophecies of a greater Israel. That is why I changed your name to Israel. I put you in close proximity and relationship with Sheldon David. And for many years you have desired and longed for what was in him to be in your life. The Word of God, declares that's how Israel gets saved through the jealousy, that longing they see something in somebody else that they don't have and they want it. Your life prophesy, it always has. And that why David call you a greater man than himself. Because his life prophecies of the Patriarch, but your life prophecies of a nation.

These things I speaking tonight you will never forget. I'm pouring out my soul to you. I told you I'm leaving nothing unturned. The secrets in dark places. All that I have and all that I am, I pour out upon you. The promise was not only for Abraham, but for his descendants forever, says the Lord. Not only for Sheldon David, it was for Israel and not only for one, but for the Nation. Before you leave this earth, Israel David, you will have fulfilled the will of the Father.

I will not leave one stone unturned, that there are things hidden all over the place, everywhere and I will reveal them to you. I would long for my nation Israel to have a heart that sought God like you did. And that is why I have put such strong desires inside your heart. So it would prophecy of a people to come that would have a desperate heart. This prophecy is upon you and upon other men and women as well. For you in yourself cannot contain all the glory and the pain that is attached to the future of this Nation. It would be to hard.

When you took the name of Israel, and it was your choice. It was my choice and yours. You where bring yourself into a prophecy and a wrestling match that has gone on for years. And I will not coward and you will not coward. And I will not overpower and you will overcome until you have gained the promise, every bit of it. Victory is not negotiable. Victory is the nature of your heart and spirit, says the Lord. Victory is the nature of Christ, He is not suffering. He suffered, but that is not who He is. He is holiness and righteousness, victory and overcomer. He is power and you will always become what you are.

The future is not negotiable for either of you. It already been set and it all leads to victory, that where it all goes. You will not fear the future and you will run and go that direction. You saw it in the movie The Passion. Nothing would stop Him from laying down His life for His Father's great plan. The plan of God for you is victorious. It always leads to triumph in Christ. And all the promises in Christ are yea and amen. The purpose of God are sure. A great crowd of witnesses stand in agreement with what you believe, and there is no devil in hell or underworld that can change that."

(portions of a prophecy spoken by Sheldon David on November 11, 2010)

The Lord has called me to the nations and eventually to live in Israel. The Lord promises both will be restored and it is fitting that I be there. However, this journey that I'm on with God require me to travel alone in my van. I have even thought of driving to country of Chili, one of the nations I prayed for that night. There are many other nations along the way there that need to know the Truth and see the power of God. But, the Lord will show me what direction I need to go and when. 

This was not anything that I had known or even dreamed of when I got married. But over the years our marriage has struggled, but God is faithful. There is much need for healing and restoration for both of us. Although Roberta says that she would love to travel—she does not see herself living in a van, but some place close to our grandchildren. It also provide a home base for me. From there she can help me and someday fly to wherever I am at some point later. How this all works out only God knows at this time. At some point I will probably need to leave the van. But for now, I'm taking it one day at a time and tuck myself under His wing and get to know my Father's voice better.

Living in a van and ministering will definitely be new saga in my life to Blog about. It will be exciting to touching peoples lives one on one and see God's restoration. I'm also hoping that living in a van will be just as exciting, not to mention eating. I know there will be certain limitations, but I also see a lot of potential. Most of all, my future is beautiful and it is victorious. And yours can be too.