August 9, 2011


"I'm not like these men, I'm not like them. Almost everything you see around you is defiled. You see so many people in church who love their natural family more than the spiritual family. You see ministers who would never invite people into their homes, because they have no concept of the church. And most are hirelings today—most of them are. Not the true minister, those without the titles. But, those who meet in churches are not true sons, not the true, true ministers. 

You've never judged yourself by yourself. It never worked for you. You always needed a true standard and I've shown you the true standard is Christ... You now know what it is like to be poor and be mistreated and experience pain..."

"There is a reason for the fight. You've become strong, you've become solid. You've become a friend of God. You learn to understand the infirmities of others...You now know what it's like to be in pain. You know what it's like to need a healer. You know what it’s like to be a slave. You know what it's like to be angry. You know what it's like to feel that God ignores you..."

"I'm not like other men. I'm not like the government that over taxes... or any others. I'm proud of you. I chose you. I could have chosen other men who had better resumes than yours. I could have. But I chose you, because I knew you would believe me and have the faith. There's that faith in you.”

(A portion of a prophecy from Sheldon David on 3-25-2011)

Note: God said most not every minister are hireling. It's because most of them would not be minister, if they didn't get paid to do it. The Lord said, "Ministers shouldn't expect to get paid from the people they serve." However, people should give to ministers and it’s not wrong for them to get paid, but one should never demand or require it as a means for their services. (God always supplied Jesus needs, including His disciples. Jesus never had to ask for an offer.) Unfortunately this practice of hiring minister has become the standard in most organized religions; along with many other false concepts and bad habits. However, I don't believe they will go to Hell, but some may. Most just don't know any better, yet they will need to eventually change. They need to hear God's voice and "come out of Babylon" and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

God's pattern for the church was shown by Jesus Christ, and by His disciples in the book of Acts. He desires to see us return to their example, including the home church fellowship. Obviously, this will take some time, in the meantime there's a need for repentance on how we serve Him and His Body. We also need to pray and forgive one another. Just as we need to examine our own motives for the things we do. Calvary's Love is our example. 

 "The Sword of the Lord"

"Out of the depth of my being I cried out to the Lord come save me tonight and bring me your sword and I will cut of the resistance and I will set the prisoners free. It's not okay that tyrants rule as they do. This uprising comes from Me. Whether they know My name or not, whether they know the name of Yahweh or not. I always side with the poor."  
(Prophecy from 2-04-2011)