February 13, 2012

The Covenant of Love

What do you think of when you hear the word LOVE?  Do you think of the heavenly Father, Jesus and the cross, or are your thoughts more carnal or emotional? God's love is pure, strong and it is covenantal, and it was sealed by the blood of Jesus. He is our All in all, are Everything. Jesus Christ is LOVE. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

"The entire covenant contract God gave to mankind, The Holy Bible, is based upon the ancient Abrahamic Covenant. Jesus through the mystery of the cross, became the sacrifice that for ever sealed that pact. There is no further treaty anyone can strike up with God. Seeking people can only come to Him on His own terms, through the already-cut covenant between Himself and Jesus. To banish the stars from the sky would be the only means to alter the Abrahamic Pack. Circumstances and people may come and go, but the Abrahamic Pack stand forever."

The previous paragraph was from a small booklet called, Passing Between the Pieces, and it was written by Sheldon David. The following is a prophecy regarding this covenant, it was from last year, but it's worth repeating again and again. God will never stop loving us, because of this promise.

"What you have stepped into is so rich, prosperous and powerful. It's too late. It's too late. Your head (satan) is crushed. The lie and the liar is exposed, and the Son is glorified to His rightful place on the thrown.

The lies are coming down... The elder son in the Prodigal Story didn't understand who he was and what he had been given. The father says, 'Don't you realize that all that I have is yours.' (Luke 15:31) No, he didn't realize that. But the younger son is now in the house and will eventually realize who he is. You know why? Because you're getting it yourselves. You see your the prodigal who came back home and has been given the Father's house and been given the Father's robe and shoes of sonship and a signet ring of his Father's authority. And he has come to that place of rule—that intended place. At first he didn't know who he was. And at first you didn't know who you were, but you eventually did. He left himself out there in the pig pen, says the Lord, and he came with the Holy Spirit drawing him to his father's house. And the father exalted him. And he move him into the place of a prince and a king it says. Full sonship rights, says the Lord."

"The covenant promises is alive, says the Lord. It been true for over 4,000 plus years. And in the western world, it's pretty much a dusty old document that's in the first book of the Bible. People relegate it to the importance of the Mosaic Laws. But, you'll never believe that, not for a moment.

I will never be unfaithful to the Promise. I gave it to Abraham and his sons forever. I gave it to Jesus Christ, He is the fulfillment of the Promise, the fullness of it. And He fully lives within you. So the Promise is fully activated in living His life through you. He will makes sure it all comes to pass. 

There is no competition in God, boys. There was no competition in the first family for all the people on the earth. Adam represented the Father, Eve the Holy Spirit and then you have Abel, who represents the Son. And then you had Cain and he represented the older brother in the story of the prodigal. And he represented satan. Remember, I said satan was a murder from the beginning. Cain was his vehicle to murder through, from the beginning. I also said, he was a liar from the beginning. It's his native language, his native tongue—he is a liar. His choice of skin was that of a serpent at the time to lie through. The first family, four people, those four people were meant to be something else. If it were not for the fall, it would of represented something completely different. It would of represented the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and the mini-member wife of the land, the sons. But it didn't happen that way. God had to shoot up 4,000 more years and then you see it happen that way. There's no competition in the Godhead. There's no competition. The Son does not feel slighted. The Father does not feel slighted."

 (portions of a prophecy by Sheldon David on April 1, 2011)

Note: Things have shifted and changed. It's not the way it used to be. God is calling His sons and daughter to rise up and come forth from the caves and the pig troughs to their true calling and anointing. It is the Heavenly Father's pleasure to exalt His sons, those who have learned to hear His voice, to abide and wait on Him. All power, authority and blessings dwell within and upon those who embrace the treasure of the Abrahamic Covenant and Promise— full Sonship Rights. This is the Abramanic Covenant:
"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:3-5