September 23, 2013

Making Friends With Money

And Jesus said, " I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own? (Luke 16: 9-12 NIV)
A couple of years ago, Sheldon and I were taking a walk and talking about money, and how to use it to help reach the lost for Christ. Over the years, we have use it to help others in need, sowing into peoples lives and blessing them. All of these ways are expressions of God's love. From this passage of scripture, we see Jesus encouraging us to use our wealth (money and possessions) to make friends. Since I have been in Mexico I have done this much more. Yet the most important thing I desire to see when giving money, is for people to get to know their Savior, Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Father and His awesome love for them. 

As we listen and follow the leading of Holy Spirit, money can be bait on a hook to enticement people to listen and watch you, and eventually get to know you and the Father's heart better. Here are just a few more lives I'm fishing for and reaching with God's love.

Lupita and her husband Geronimo

Lupita and one of her daughters, who has four beautiful children of her own.
Lupita and her very close friend, Maria

 Having snacks and dips with Maria's and her two youngest, she has five children

Naveli Gloria is twelve years old and her sister is ten and I am their friend. They made cards for me with a big heart on it and have our names in the middle of it..

Patty, Mario and his wife Ana, the two women are sisters
Mario is a very good, kind and generous man and he also speaks English very well. He and his wife owns the Rinos restaurant near my house, and they have four children. One night as I was walking, I went over and see them again. We all sat at a table and I shared with them why I was in Mexico and some of the things God and I had been doing, and our desire for Mexico and it's beautiful people. After we talked for a while, Mario told me that I could eat at his restaurant anytime for free. He also told the others sitting with us, in Spanish of his offer to me, because he was the only one who could speak English. Wow! Their food is very good and delicious. I told Mario that God would bless him and his family, because it was a promise from the Lord. "I will bless those who bless you." He really liked that promise and so do I.

I love sowing into the Kingdom of God, and hopefully I will see many of my friends lives restored and in heaven. God is faithful when we give Him our all, and in due time we will reap a bountiful harvest.