January 19, 2025

Second Chance Pt. 2

We are living in a society which is accustomed to hearing the words, "Second Chance". It is often a request by a person or a group of people that has done something poorly or wrong and are seeking mercy instead of justice. Something it heard in schools when a student has made a failing grade on a test, or someone who has broken the law and wants to avoid certain punishment or a person who was in a race and didn't get the first prize or blue ribbon. There are often many times in life's situations where we would all like to get a second chance also to correct a wrong and hope for a better outcome the next time. This desire is nothing really new, because we can go back through history and see where people have wanted a second chance and did, but there are also those who didn't and had to suffer the consequences, including some on prison's death row. In the Bible we see when God created the world and everything in it that He established certain laws and regulations that were not meant to be broken or there would be consequences for breaking them. Adam and Eve certainly would have liked to have had a second chance, but they were still shown some grace instead of immediate death for their disobedience. The same grace was extended to Cain for killing his brother Abel. Even Esau wanted a second chance to receive the blessing that he skipped for a bowl of soup, but he was still denied even though he cried many tears. Throughout history mankind has failed to learn from the mistakes of others. But then there were also times where God gave people a 'second chance'. In fact, there were times when God wanted to wipe the slate clean and start all over, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and so God gave one family of eight, a second chance to start over and replenishing the earth population. But unfortunately the flood didn't wash sin off the face of the earth or from men's hearts. So God continued to give His children a second chance because of their constant inclination to sin and disobey His laws. It is so very sad to see how quickly people turned away from the hand and heart of a faithful, loving God. Even the Children of Israel after their triumph exodus from the land of Egypt were so quick to turn back on God and worship a golden idol, and do things their own way. In that situation God wanted to wipe them all out too and start over with Moses to carry on the line of God's chosen people. But Moses pleaded with God for a second chance to continue the journey to the Promised Land. This pattern continued throughout the old testament with God sending judges and prophets to plead and intercede for a fallen race, and for a second chance to live When Jesus Christ came on the scene things were no different, man's religion had taken over the world, even in the promised land. Jesus agonized over the city of Jerusalem, and in the Garden of Getheninani for a lost world. Even from the cross He cried, "Father forgive them for they no not what they do," Then gave all His blood in a final act to bring healing, restoration, and redemption and declaring, "It is Finished" Thus, He bridged the gap between mankind and our Heavenly Father.and gave us all a second chance. Today, religion is still one of the greatest sins on the face of the earth. It has led to all the other forms of evil actions and defilement that thrives in the heart of mankind. Some religions may seem better than others, but they are all man-made, self centered, and corrupted. Seeking only to please themselves and God rather than dying to their self-will and let Christ live His life through them by His grace. Jesus said, "I am the Truth, the Life and the Way," and there are no other exceptions to that declaration. There is only one road that leads to Christ and it passes through the cross we are meant to carry. This past month I have watched a number of near death experiences on Youtube, which I have not done before. However, I have heard of some, but I thought I would check them out this time for myself, and I believe it was what God wanted me to do. Because, much of what I heard, only confirmed what I already knew. Plus, they also revealed that God has been answering our prayers for many years. Including mine. God is infiltrating and breaking every religion throughout the world through visions and out of body experiences, and by His prophets declarations. In these articles on Youtube, certain individuals have died in many different ways, which only confirms there is no such thing as an accident. God is in control of every situation, regardless of peoples' age or religious beliefs. By these divine acts, God has been planting seeds that are now growing and bearing fruit around the world and especially through the internet. But, I have also seen that the enemy is also throwing in conterfits or mixtures of situations that are influenced by their religious beliefs, and evil principalities so one must have some discernment when watching them. And seek only the truth in each story with the help of the Holy Spirit. With that said, I would like share one episode to prove my point for this Blog post. The mans name was Caleb, he was Amish, married and had two children. He was 42 years old. After dying and spending some time with Jesus, he was told how his religious faith had been based on traditions, rules and regulations and trying to do and be good. But they all lacked an intimate relationship that is found only in God's love, faith and grace. When Calieb asked Jesus, why me? Jesus told him, 'To give you a second chance." And to share the trough to others. This past month I have also heard God speak through Sheldon, that He intend to pull out all the stops and break every chain to see people set free from the religious beliefs, that have kept them bound for so many years from knowing the truth and their full inheritance that is available to them now, not when the get to heaven. The Father also wants to see full restoration of the Body of Christ. And He intends to bring down every form of sickness and disease so that all His children can experience the full freedom of being "in" Christ and the abundant life To that I say, yes and amen. It is God desires in this new golden Age of the Kingdom of God, to give everyone a second chance.