February 2, 2025

The Faifulness of God Pt. 1

Over my life I have seen the faithfulness of God, but even more so since I have left the USA on a mission with God. I saw it often in the year and a half I spent in South America. And now, I was heading to New Zealand, and it seems that my time at airports still has its challenges and this time was no different. Marco, my landlord, was driving me to the airport and when we were just 5 minutes from his apartment I realised that I had left my light jacket hanging on the bedpost. so we were able to make a quick turnaround and get it and were back on the road again, and we still had plenty of time to get to the airport. However, after going to the flight check-in area, I was told I had to have an exit ticket from New Zealand. I could not believe that I was having to deal with this again, just like I did back in Bolivia. However, Carlos was still with me, because I wanted his help in case I needed it and it looked like I did again. So I asked him if he could book me a flight to Australia after New Zealand on his phone. He was able to do that and found one for $220 and so we booked it and he paid with his credit card and then I paid him in American money which was all that I had left on me, without going back to an ATM machine which charges a herendius fees, if you have to use them in airports. All this took time and my flight will be leaving very soon and I still have to go through immigration before finding the gate and boarding the plane. However, Carlos wanted to print out my ticket from his phone at a place that could do that while I stood waiting and praying. Then said our goodbyes and gave big hugs, I really loved that man for all his help and being a friend. As I went through screening and emptying my pockets and whatever to get through as I put my keys back in my front pocket, but I apparently missed my pocket, because after I walked about 50 feet away a lady came up behind me and handed me the keys that I had dropped that went to my luggage security locks. I thanked her, and then God told me, "I'm watching your back" and I was glad He was. A little later as I pulled my carry-on and a heavy laptop case with my Bible and Sheldon's book I stopped at a bench to rest and then move on but I have left my laptop case leaning against the wall, and didn't realise it until I got to the x ray area where a sign said that it would not hurt your laptops and that's when I realised I didn't have it with me. I was very wery from all that was happening and my mine was focused on getting to the plane. So I tried to remember where I had left it. At first I thought it was on the plane, but then God reminded me and I went back, praying it would still be there with one of the staff following me from security. It was still there even with a lot of people standing around it, I thanked God!  By the time I was just about to the boarding Gate, I heard my name called over the PA system and I waved to them. I was the last one to board the plane before they closed the door. I now had a six hour flight to Saniago before I headed across the Pacific Ocean on a 12 hour flight of which I could not sleep, so I watched four movies, One was Chariots of Fire. I had a nice leftover meal before I left for the airport in Lima, and I also got meals on both flights to New Zealand, so I wasn't starving. I arrive at Auckland Airport at 5:20am and my next step into a new country, where I have no one to meet me or a place to stay, But God was with me and that is the most important thing, because He is a Faithful God.