March 9, 2025
Taking it Back Pt.2
In this blog article I'm going to take us in a direction I have never thought of until this past week. And it has to deal with Abraham and his nephew Lot. I have never heard a sermon solely on the life of Lot that I can remember. And I don't intend to start now. However, I think there is an important lesson that can be learned all because of something Abraham did.
Lot loved Abraham and Abraham obviously loved Lot too as they both chose to leave everything and follow God's command to Abram, "to leave his fathers house." even though that may have not been a part of God's original plan for Lot. But it was apparently okay with Abram, at least in the beginning of their journey. But along the way it became a problem with their growing flocks, and the end result was going their separate ways. Lot headed for the city of Sodom, and Abraham went in the other direction away from the cities.
Some time passed, maybe several years and it came to Abram's attention that Lot and his family and flock were taken as spoils, by five wicked kings, along with other families too. And this is where things get interesting.
Abram had no fear. He had God's promise of protection, so he gathered up 318 men born in his household, along with his three Amorite friends and went to war inorder to bring back Lot and his family. He then met the high Priest Melchedick at the end of his successful and glorious victory. That war I believe was more prophetic than some people realize. Because that is exactly what God is asking his sons and daughter to do today; to take back that which was stolen.
At the time Lot and his family were stolen, he did not have the relationship with God that Abraham had. He was just a relative that Abraham cared about. You might describe him as a 30 fold Christian, because there are three levels that Jesus teaches in His parables about the seeds planted for a crop, and the results at the end of the harvest. And Lot seems to fit into that first category, because he heard of the God of Abraham and saw His blessings, but didn't really know Him. However after Abraham save his life, giving him and his family a second chance, I think Lot saw things in a different light that move him up to the next level of a 60 fold person, because there was a change in his heart, so much that when the two angel of God came to search out the city of Sodom and Gomora, Lot offered them housing. And when the wicked men of the city came knocking on his door he was willing to offer up his two dauser in order to protect them. I don't think many Christians would be willing to do that today. Yet, Lot and his wife still struggled with the idea, when told they must leave the city and warned not to look back, but Lot's wife did. Just as many Christians today struggle with letting go of their securities, possession and looking at all the comforts and pleasures of this world. Yet, all the while, thinking they are still safe from harm. In the end Lot learned the truth the hard way. But he was still considered a righteous man, in the book of Hebrews, for his actions and prayers. But it is Abraham who shines at the end with the meeting with Melchedick and with the offering up his only son whom he loves, because he loved God even more and placed all his faith, hopes and dream in Him.
Now there is also another aspect I wanted to address in this Blog article and that is the five wicked kings that Abraham fought. I believe they also were a prophetic picture of the evil forces we face today. First of all is satan and his demons, second proverty, third is our flesh or carnal nature, then our pride and unforgiveness toward others including ourself, and lastly all the Goliath we tend to believe that are neither real or powerful. These are just my thoughts. There could be others such as the evil sex trades and drug cartels, and other wicked people who are deceiving people, they all must be brought down. And as sons, we demand the restoration of all things, just as they are in heaven to be brought back to earth, which is our true inheritance, Jesus Christ Himself. These are our rights and possions, and we must take back all thats been stolen, just as Abraham did for Lot and his family. We must claim our health, every family member now and for generations to come. Every lost souls that have been deceived by the enemy and religion, we must set them free by our words and actions, including breaking every chain and addiction that binds them. We are taking them back along with the wealth that has been stolen, for the honor and the glory of our Heavenly Father, because it is what He told us to do through the prophetic words from Sheldon David.
Abraham was a prophet and much of his life was also a prophecy. He is also the father of our faith and a true picture of what a 100 fold Christian should look like who bears the image and nature of Christ.