March 2, 2025

Taking it Back

Last weekend on Jason's Friday Meet, Sheldon prophesied, "We're taking it all back," and the very next day, President Trump said in a meeting, "We're going to get our money back," regarding the Ukrainian mining issue. Wow, that is an incredible confirmation. However, that statement from Trump I believe was also prophetic even though he probably doesn't know it, regardless of what happens with the Ukrainian deal, those words go beyond that war. In Sheldon's prophecy he was speaking from the spiritual realm, and Trump was speaking from the natural world. Those kinds of things often go hand-in-hand. However, it first must come from the spiritual world. Therefore, we see God fulfilling His plans to bring heaven on earth through the prophets of God. Every person from the beginning of time has had things stolen from them, by mean and evil people and sometimes even by friends. This happens in almost every aspect of life, where people have lost friends, money, health, hope and dreams, sometimes even by their own foolishness. Today, we see people having all kinds of health issues, often because of poor eating habits or other issues that are beyond their control, even young children and babies. Then there's the loss of loved ones through accidents, disasters, or health issues. People dying long before their time that was never a part of God's plan, even from suicide, all because the thief stold their hope for a better life. Throughout my life of 77 years, it has been no different than many others, as I have lost three relatives because of suicides. I have seen health issues affect my friends, and every member of my family, including me. I have lost large sums of money through poor business practices and investments, and also because of fraud. Plus I have lost friends and family because of things beyond my control. All these losses were never a part of God's intention for His Children. However, Jesus Christ has always met my needs in every situation, despite those losses. Yet they have sometimes tested my faith and trust in Him, especially since I have been on this mission with God. But I never gave in or compromised to those lies or symptoms from those situations. Because I believe and walk in, "It is Finished. "However, in all these situations, satan is really the true thief, because Jesus said, "that satan has come to steal, kill and destroy," And that is just what he has doing. And it all started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Since then satan has stolen from everyone on earth, and especially from the children of God, because he hates them the most, because they are a threat to him. But that's going to change from now on, because we are taking it all back. That is what God wants us to do and declare, as He has told Sheldon to declare it, and we believe it will and is happening now. President Trump is God.s son and he wants to see every American get what rightfully belongs to them, that has been stolen by evil people through deception and have no desire to see people prosper beyond their plans. Every single lie will be exposed. and every dollar, plus interest returned, was the echo by Jason later that night, that was stolen by the devil, including every child with the light of God in them. We are demanding it to be restored, because this is the command from the Commander and Chief, Himself, Jesus Christ, to the Sons of God. It all belongs to God in the first place. "The silver and gold is Mine," says the Lord, and everything else and He intends for His children to have it, as their rightful inheritance from God. These were just some of the commands given by God to Sheldon for the sons and daughters of God to move forward into battle against the true thief, satan and his demons, along with those who foolishly follow him. Plus all those Goliaths that have challenged the minds and freedom of all His children. There are things that have been stolen from every person on this planet, and they don't even realize it, because they think that's just the way things are in life. But that is also a lie spread by satan and often promoted by religious teachers and preachers that have deceived so many people for thousands of years, because they don't know the Truth Himself, Jesus Christ. Where in the Bible does it say, God wanted his children sick, poor and live in poverty as a part of life's experience. Where does it say his children should be fearful and with no hope or love? Yet we see people committing suicides that should never happen. Many take drugs to feel better, or drinking alcohol to forget a life of pain and suffering; whether physically, mentally or emotionally. People are falling into traps and ditches, in times of trouble and disasters, because they look to people and government leaders to help them when they should be looking to Jesus Christ for the answer, who freely offers His love and forgiveness to those who believe, repent and obey Him. He is the answer for every need, and hope that a person could want or need. I know this for a fact and they can know it too. We just need to let go of our pride, worldly mindset  and our selfish desires. God tells us when we seek Him with all our heart, we will never have to deal with worrying about the future or the thief again, because God has our back and will never leave or forsake us. Even though satan might try from time to time to mess with our minds. But, he can not succeed, because he has no true power. God has given us the power and authority over him and our future with the promise of victory. We have His faithful covenant promise to Abraham. The scripture also says, "by His wounds we are healed" and that includes restoration in every area of our life.(Isaiah 53) You can trust Jesus Christ, when all others will fail you. Jesus also said, "I have come to give you life and have it more abundantly." Some of these thoughts are also inspired by Sheldon's talks and prayers.