April 16, 2011

Grassroots Movements

Lately we have heard a lot about grassroots movements. They all started with an idea, because someone wasn't happy with the status quo. People wanted to see change and so they started talking and others listened. Other people saw them as rebels, but they really weren't—just discontent. These people became leaders of a small groups that continued to grow by people just talking and sharing their idea and beliefs more publicly of what they felt needed to be done. They saw issues that need to be addressed and hopefully others in higher places would listen and want to do something about it. So they continued to encourage others to join their effort or cause until they saw changes made.

Some of these movements dealt with bad habits that where harmful to people or the environment. Others dealt with things such as health care, work ethic and child safety, financial reform and equality. Some of the biggest movements have dealt with freedom and rights, as we are seeing today. These revolutions were meant to change the way people lived, thought or behaved. Some were to give them freedom of choice, speech, a fair and just economy or just to be accepted and treated like other people. The poor and hurting are demanding change. We're seeing this happening in the Middle East and other places around the world.

There have also been spiritual movements that were meant to do the same, such as the Jesus movement in the 60's and Brownsville. All of these movements are for the betterment of mankind, and God's Spirit is still sweeping across this planet. Here's what the Lord had to say about some of these movements.
"There is a 'domino effect' happening even as I told you at the Grand Canyon. Kingdoms are falling. Kingdoms are shaking that are ready to fall. Some similar things are going to occur in your own nation, because there are grass root movements about ready to come to the forefront, says the Lord.
Some of these things scare the believers, Christians. But understand that these thing are from me. The Women's movement of the 60's—70's. People in the church saw it as rebellion. They didn't see God in it. God is always seeking to set the oppressed free.
Back when slavery was being fought about in congress, in the high halls of America, there was a grass root that wanted the oppressed set free. You have the 'Tea Party' today that is a movement and that movement is from God in the United States of America. It will not be stopped and the church won't like it at all. But, Yahweh God likes it all.
The Lord hasn't always been against the 'Gay Movement' who are fighting to be treated like human beings. Christians need to know better than that, they need to treat people with honor and respect. They need to treat women with honor and respect. When they look at a move of a rebellion, it's not necessarily so. I have the enemy on a short leash—you need to know that. What he means for bad I turn for the good.
You have more prayer in your country today than ever before, Back when Larry Lee was trying to get a million people to pray. He was trying to get a grass root movement growing...a vision of an army of prayer warriors. He worked his tail off trying to mobilize these people. Today people are praying. Partially because of the seed sown by Larry Lee and by other men and women. But mostly because people are uptight and uncomfortable, and they feel the 'signs of the time,' and they need to pray. There are more people praying in this nation of yours than ever before.
It is for freedom sake that Christ set people free. Religion takes its form in many different cloaks, different garments and robes. I spoke to you many years ago about a grass root movement (home church) that would rise from that thing and people would consider it rebellious. I also told you about a Samson type of movement.
There are things rising, there is discomfort all over this planet and God is going to use it all for the Kingdom of God to come. The door to this decade has been opened, 2010 was just the prelim, 2011 is the real story and 2012 will be the sweeping, says the Lord... The cleaning of house. I'm removing the chaos from the Halls of Justice and bring in a standard, a sword, and a rod again."
 (a portion of a prophecy from David on Feb. 4, 2011)

Jesus' ministry on earth was a "grassroots" movement, and it was planned and designed by God. So it will be with the "Army of God," the sons of God, they too are a grass roots movements. 

"Like a shoot out of dry ground." (Isaiah 53:2)