November 3, 2012

Reaching More Lives

Ministry group from Santa Clara
Last week I shared about getting to talk a little to Juan and Manuela about God’s love. A few days later God took it to another level for this whole community. Sunday even (Oct. 21), God brought in a small Spanish Christian group from Santa Clara to minister in La Manga and they presented the Gospel message, along with Christian music.

First, they sent out two young ladies who went around the town and past out gospel tracts with scripture verses from the Book of Romans and one from Revelation* and they told the people about a meeting at the entrance of town by a restaurant just two houses from Juan’s house. Then about a half an hour later they started playing music and sang songs through a good sound system. There were testimonies between songs and a short gospel message and invitation at the end. I did my best to seem interested as I stood or sat with others, even thought I didn’t understand most of what was being said. (I even took picture of the group before and after.)
People listing from back of truck
At first no one came, but then the music drew them, and other eventually moved closer from where they were. Some people sat nearby who homes were close by and others sat in their cars or on the backend of an old truck. Others just listened from the little store while children danced to the music.

At the end of the preacher message and invitation, I wanted to see if there was any response. So I told Juan I was going closer, because it was dark and the lighting was poor, and he wanted to come with me. As we walked closer, the preacher started to get excited. Then I realized that the he though we were coming forward for salvation. So I turn to the side to meet with one of Juan’s friend who was from the ministry group. Then Juan explained to them, who I was and introduced me to the young people. Then I met the minister who came over to us. We shook hands and then I explain that I was called by God to come to the poor in the Kingdom of Mexico, even though I didn’t speak much Spanish. He was very kind, friendly and then left.
Young people from the ministry group being silly

However, the young people where more excited and friendly and they gave me their names and talked to us. I shook their hands and gave each of my sisters in Christ a big hug; they all laughed and liked it and so did I. Then I took their picture and they loved that too. (I have really missed the warmth of Christian fellowship and worship, but that will change in time.)  

Now the Gospel message has been presented in Spanish at La Manga, but the results only confirmed my belief. It will take more than words, even in Spanish, to change the hearts of people. It will take the power and presence of the Heavenly Father demonstrated through His sons and daughters, and that is why I believe I’m here.

The next day was restful and nothing exciting had happen yet, until that even when Juan asked me to go night fishing with him and his helper. He said it would only be a few hours, because he didn’t like to fish when there was too much moonlight; it seems to limited the success of fishing, but he would try it anyway. We when out in his boat to a cove a few miles away and put down a long net and then we went a couple more miles away near some cliffs and rocks. Then Juan went down in his diving suit with an air hose attached to a makeshift air compressor. After over an hour he had only caught three fish, but he was still in good spirits as he sang and whistled on our way back to where the nets were. Juan then caught a few more fish by diving, and said there were about 20 other fish in his net, but he would leave it there to catch more. While I was out in the boat under the half moon, I though of how the disciple must have felt when Jesus was with them on their boat. He was also there with me and we enjoyed that night being together.
Walking in the moonlight with God

Two days later I met Russell, a middle age American and a very good friend of Juan. He lived in the next city, San Carlos and was a master scuba instructor. He also spoke Spanish very well and he had brought with him some boxes of new schoolbooks that were bi-lingual for Manuel’s school. He was able to convey for me some of my feeling to Juan, including that I believe Juan would be a great spiritual leader like the Apostle Peter. And that God was going to really bless the community of La Manga. Russell for some reason loved the book of Ecclesiastes and it was his favorite book in the Bible.

Russell was able to give me some history on La Manga and the people. The church was built by the community in 2006, and it was not own by the Catholics. The community’s efforts were written up in a number of Mexican newspapers. In 2002 there was a big hurricane that came through this area and the storm surge of water put sand on the second floor of some resorts; you can imagine what is did to La Manga. The city was cut-off and people had to be rescued; some men stayed behind to protect what were left of their homes. That is why so many homes are made of scrap wood and metal, because that was what they had left to work with. La Manga II was abandon after the storm. Then after the church was built there was years of droughts until this past year. These people are survivor and know how to help one another. He also told me, how good and friendly they are and being invited to eat with them was considered an honor that one should not refuse. Russell said he would eat whatever was put before him, and then related one of his first experiences when he ate with some of them. There was octopus and sea cucumbers for meat along with some vegetables and it was all cooked in a big rusty barrel.

I told Russell that I too would try to eat whatever was put before me. Then I shared an experience that I had that past week when I was offered some barbequed meat in a tortilla. It smelled good so I took a few bites. At first it tasted okay, because of the seasonings and sauce, but then the aftertaste hit me, and my stomach said no more. So I gave the rest to a dog nearby when no one was looking. Later that day I saw where it was cooked and tried it again when they offered me more. Maybe I just had a bad piece of meat the first time. However, my reaction was the same and so was my option, though I told no one. So Russell asked Juan, who was listen to us, what it was that we all ate the other day. Then Russell explained to me, that during the night someone hit a wild pig (boar), with his or her car. Then someone else found it the next morning and to them it still looked okay to eat, so they butchered it and then cooked it in a very large saucepan over an open fire and everyone else ate and enjoyed it. (That right, I ate road kill.) Russell explains that even pork in Mexico doesn’t taste the same as pork in the United States, and I for one can agree to that one. I thanked Russell for helping La Manga and sharing what he did. Maybe God will use this man to help me communicate to the people later on, but whatever happens, I asked God to bless and use him.

A couple days later, I met Megan and Jack, at the beach not far from where I park at night. They were in a mini-home so I ventured over to meet them that morning. They are a lovely couple from Vancouver, British Columbia and they keep a 35-foot sailboat dry docked in San Carlos. I got to witness to them, for about three hours, of the love of God and what He has done in my life over the years, including many miracles, the changing of my name and my calling to Mexico. I blessed them and even prayed with them and told them their lives would change, because of God’s divine appointment and that God honors my words. I also gave them one of Sheldon’s cards with my blog site on the back and then gave each a hug from God.
Mac's little house
Juan with Mac

Wednesday, I met Carolyn and Mitch, Americans who have known and have helped Macemeno, the blind man whoi I prayed for. He also goes by the name Mac. This couple, just told me that they prayed that God would sent an angel to help this community and that I might be their answer. Over the years, they have also helped Mac and even built his little house for him, along with things to store food, clean around the place to make it safer to walk around, and they’re adding a patio and a roof over the bathroom tomorrow.  They visit Mac many times and take him into the city to get shots from doctors to help his health problems. I told them that God was going to bless this community and that He was going to heal Mac eyes. (Which is already done by faith.) I also witness a little more and then I blessed them and gave them a hug. 
More beautiful children
Everyday God keeps bring more and more people into my path and life to touch, that are meant to have an encounter someday with the Heavenly Father and that give me great joy and pleasure to be a part of that process.

* Most of the verses references from Romans and the one from Revelation dwelt with sin and judgment. Only one Romans 5:8 spoke of God’s love and that’s what I believe more people need to see and hear.