January 5, 2013

One Act of Kindness

A few weeks ago I helped a Spanish man about my age. He had a blow out tire on his van, but was unable to get the tire off the rim, because the lug nut and bolt had gotten bent. He returned the next day with another tire on a rim and some tools. We took turns chipping away at the nut with a hammer and cold chisel. In the process of helping, I hit the back of my hand one time with the hammer and it bled, but I continued working until Juan said it was time to eat breakfast. While we ate the man finally got the nut off and the other tire put back on the van. During this time his wife sat in an old VW bug the whole time, which was about two hours. After eating, I went back over to their van, and the wife got out of the car and for some reason, we tried to communicate. She was very pretty and spoke a little English, so I share with her why I was in La Manga. She went back to her car and got out a Bible that she had probably been reading and showed it to me, to indicate that she too was a Christian. So I went to my van and got my new Spanish/English Bible that I had earlier underlined some verses and shared them with her, starting with Gen. 12, 1-3. However, she got very excited when I shared the verse out of Jeremiah 1, that I was a prophet called to the nations. She then told her husband who was talking to Juan’s father. He briefly acknowledged, but kept on with his conversation. I continued to share more passages to her out of the Gospel of John. However, because of our poor ability to fully communicate, I thought her said she had a sister and a daughter she would like me to meet and they spoke better English. I said I would be glad too. But they were ready to leave, so I blessed her and gave her a hug. Her husband shook my hand and thanked me for helping him and then they left for their house back in Guaymas.

After they left, I wish I had followed them to know where they lived, because phones didn’t really help me and communicating directions to areas where they often have no street sign, made it nearly impossible to find someone when you’re new to the area. I realize I just have to trust God as to whom I see, when and how it all comes about. God has the perfect plan and timing. Even though I told her I would be in La Manga for a while, I could be gone somewhere else at the time, if they came back.

The next day, Juan took me with him to see some other friends about chickens. While they went to see the chickens, I sat in the car parked next to another house where a man was painting his house. He saw me and asked if I was an American. He said he spoke a little English and invited me into his covered porch and gave me a glass of water. We talked more as he painted and then His son came out who spoke better English. He was 25 years old and worked for his father in a computer repair business and satellite service. We talked for over an hour and then the father showed me the inside of his home and even invited me to stay for dinner. I thanked him, but said, “I need to stay with Juan to get back to La Manga.”

Then we went to another house, where I had been before, to see about more chickens again. As they talked, I went to a house across the street, where there were a lot of children playing. The last time I was there, the husband had been painting the outside of their new tract house. The houses are smaller than a two-car garage and each is painted a different color.

The children gathered around me, but they said that they only had one child there. But they were expecting another one. After play with the children some more, I went back to the young husband and gave him all the money I had left on me. That night was Christmas Eve, and we went back to Juan’s for a big family festival. 

The next day more friends and family came to visit Juan’s. They also brought some of their kid’s nice new electric toys, bicycles and two electric remote cars a child could ride in. (From what I saw, Juan’s gift to his family was some new clothes for Manuel and some wood for his father, brother and a friend that he had gather off the beach, because he had caught very little fish that morning.)
Family gathering
As I watch the families for a while, but I felt like I was on the outside again. So I told Juan I was going to La Manga II, to take a walk. I didn’t always tell Juan where I was going, but I did that day. I wanted to put my bare feet in the sand again, something I had not done in a long time. It felt good, the cool sand coming between my toes as I talked to God.

I walked until I came to a house where some people were and talked to a couple men, a father and son. They spoke some English and gave me more history about the storms in this area. I told them what I was doing in La Manga. They said they too help the poor too and that they where Mormons. I told them my name as I deliberately extended my hand and as they told me theirs. After I left them, I told God, He had some work to do with that family.

As I walked back to where I had left my shoes and sock on the beach I saw some people standing around nearby them. It was another family. However, when I reached them I could see a big smile on the wife’s face and she looked familiar, but it wasn’t until the husband pointed to the back of my hand that I made the connection.

They had come be to see me, and then I gave her a big hug. I couldn’t believe it. God made it really happen. They came back and even brought more family and friends. Then the mother introduced me to her daughter, two sons, a two of their girl friends; one was engaged to their son and the other spoke very good English and she helped me with the communication. They were all in their early twenty or a little less and the mother had told them about me. They too, wanted to meet me and came looking for my van. (Wow!) After hugging each other, they said that they had asked for me in LaManga and were told to continue to follow the dirt road toward the ocean. They did, and eventually saw my house parked a few hundred feet from the ocean.
The mother is wearing the sunglasses, son and daughter to the left of her and the two friend on the outside. The one on the far left speaks English ver well.
We all then walked down the beach a little further, with arms around each other like family. Then we stood and talked by some large rocks where the sand stopped, for about an hour. But it was getting colder and it was windy too. I asked them if I could follow them home to know where they lived so we could communicate more. They said, “yes”.

The Lopez's house is just behind my van and the white VW
We stopped by Juan’s house so I could let him know where I was going again. I followed their van for a few miles, but then they pulled over and stopped. Three of the young people got out and said they wanted to ride with me. This was getting better every minute, so they all got in back and sat on my bed as we followed their van back to Guaymas. As I drove, they asked me more about my calling and then I played some worship music for them so I would not have to repeat things when we got to their house. After we got inside their home and sat down, I repeated, “I couldn’t believe this is really happening.”  

It was another miracle, and an awesome evening as we ate hot Quesada’s, cinnamon rolls, drank coffee and talked mostly about God for about another two more hours. One of Lopez’s sons, Ricardo, felt God want him to give me a new Spanish Bible to give to someone, and so he did. He also wants to be a pastor. But, it was getting late and they wanted to see me again, weekly.  So they decided on Sunday at 2 o’clock. It was obvious that God was doing something special, that they needed and so did I.
Looking down at the Lopez's neighborhood
Note: Even though I don’t celebrate Christmas, this was the best gift I’ve received in a long time; the gift of love. I had a lot to thank God for that evening as I walked in the moonlight before going to bed. God is so-o-o-o Good! He keeps taking me to new places, and everything has a ripple effect. Who would of thought that a simple act of kindness could have such profound outcome?

Final note: My van is running again and it didn't cost that much it more on that in my next article, "New family and a new year."