January 24, 2011

What do You Have?

Friday evening the Lord asked us this question, "What do you have?" I answered by listing a number of things.  I could have name a few more, but I wasn't sure if God wanted me to or not, so I stopped. The Lord said, "You both have been given more than you know." Then He named some others and that there was still much more. He also said, "We are kings and princes in His Kingdom, and as as such have the rights and the authority to do more."

The problem is we don't comprehend all that God has given to us, or know what to do with it, and in a few cases some people may not even care. Then the Lord shared some interesting insights regarding  David weaknesses regarding Bathsheba, and how God felt . I will add them to this sad story with a very interesting and powerful ending.

Now it was springtime, when men and kings went to war, but David stayed home in the comfort of his palace. Then one evening he got up from his bed and he went out onto the rooftop of his palace to look around. From there David could see all that the Lord had done and given him. It was all very impressive.

Throughout David's life the Lord had blessed him in many ways. God had given him victories in every battle and over all his enemies. God had also given David a beautiful palace to live in, along with many wives, children and servants. He was also given the King's crown and thrown, along with the power and authority over all Israel. David even knew God better than most, but that didn't seem to be enough. 

David had it all, even more than he realized. However, he became bored and tired of the fighting. David also became discontent and his love for God was waining. Yet he still wanted more, something he didn't have.

David kept looking and then he saw it—a beautiful young women taking a bath. Her image filled his mind with more than he could handle. Then David inquired about the woman he saw. Yet, even after learning about the "item," he still wanted it. Despite the fact that it was wrong for him to have, so David took it, lied with it, lied for it, and eventually even killed for it. 

This was a very dark season in David's life, along with many cover-ups. David had become a thief, a liar and a murderer within a matter of months. Simply for the sole purpose of satisfying his own lustful desires. Yet, God still loved him. However, it was all eventually exposed to the light, through the prophet Nathan. David finally saw his own sin and repented. (Psalm. 51)

This was also a story of God's incredible grace. David was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and God continued to love him in spite of his actions. After David repented, God continued to bless him even more, including choosing his son Solomon, to become the next king of Israel. The Lord also shared this interesting fact, "Every time David saw Bathsheba, he was reminded of the grace of God, not his sins." (Something to think about.)  

Many times people have been caught in a similar situation or predicament. Maybe it wasn't with a beautiful woman or a desirable man, but with something else. Yet, God still loves us, during that very moment too. Could we do the same for others? 

Our flesh has many desires and it can easily lead us astray from the will and the heart of the Father. These wrong desire only satisfy the temporary wants of our flesh. Just as it was for Adam and Eve regarding a piece of fruit. Unfortunately, we have all done the same thing too. Many times, more often than we realize. We may even no longer feel guilty or believe that it's wrong. Whatever it was or is, our flesh desired it and wouldn't be satisfied until we had or did it. Even when God posted "off limit" signs on it. Maybe because of ignorance, but most of the time we simply just chose to ignore warning signs that we've read in the Bible or heard preached.

People have allow their pride, greed, habits, and lustful desires to rule their body and emotions. We need to learn to master our flesh or it will master us. If we don't, it can have deadly consequences, for us and others, just as we saw in the situation regarding David and Bathsheba's first child and throughout history. Yet, God's grace was still there to meet David in his darkest hour. It will also be there for us, but wouldn't it be smarter to learn to avoid them before they happen? I would certainly hope so. I will be easier once we've learned and understand what we really have.

(To be continued)