January 27, 2011

What Do You Have? Part II

God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. (Psalms 119:105) We need light to see and the more light we have the better we can see. When we study and know God's word and sit at the feet of Light. We will know God's heart and be able to avoid many of the unnecessary problems and pitfalls of life. We will also understand more of who we are and the things that God has given us to build a better world, called the Kingdom of God. 

Therefore, we should fine tune our ears "to hear" the Spirit's voice, and pray for our eyes "to see" what God has given us now and for the future. Then we will be better equipped to avoid the dangers that lie ahead. So that we don't have to make those last minute decision or suffer painful consequences. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He does desire an honest and trustworthy relationship.

The greatness of God's grace was demonstrated toward King David, in the fact that God bless him even more, along with his son, Solomon. God was able to overlook and forgive all of David's sins as bad as they were, and still refer to him as a man after God's own heart. David did have an intimate relationship with God. That's something we should always remember and desire. 

When someone has done something we think is wrong and it has hurt or offended us, we need to forgive them—from our heart, just  as God does for us. Agape love never fails and it always forgives. Unforgiveness hinders relationships, even with God. 

God also desires for us to understand that He placed within every believer, a storehouse of gifts that is accessible by faith. Yet the greatest gift is God himself. Unfortunately, many have failed to realize this and have settled for less, the easier, the more accessible and satisfying things to our carnal cravings. However, "We must fight the good fight of faith," and that does requires a battle against evil forces and against our fleshly desires. The time will come when those battles are over, but until then we preserver. To those who have overcome, they are given "the prize" God himself, and the right to sit with Him on His thrown. (Rev. 3:21) However, we don't have to be dead for that to take place, except to our self-life.

As sons of God we must realize that the best things God has given us are spiritual, not physical. I repeat, we can have them now. We have also been given more that we realize, today, this every moment. That's why God is intending to establish true Sonship and authority on earth, just as it is in heaven. We are to bring His Kingdom to earth through our words and actions, because we have grasped God's intention for us and His Church on planet Earth.

Note: Here just some of the spiritual things we have been given. By faith—we have received His righteousness, His anointing, His strength, His power and authority. We shares His house (temple), His robe, His ring, His shoes. We've been given His rod and staff, and the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. We are one with Him and we are His body, hands, feet, eyes, ears and voice. We have His heart, His mind and His Holy Spirit. We have His peace and joy, also His health, blessing and prosperity. We our of one faith, hope and vision. We are also given us His sword and shield, His holiness, and His glory. His angelic powers stand behind our words to implement, protect and enforce our declarations of faith now and for future generations. His enemy is under our feet. And all God's promises are "Yes and Amen" and they are fulfilled in His time and way.

A final note: The Lord says, there are also more treasures and secrets to be unearth in His timing. Yet with all this, there is nothing we have done to earned what He has given us. It was all accomplished before we were even born and we simply chose to humbly come home to our Heavenly Father. And now the Father is saying, "All that I am, and all that I have, and all I reveal Myself to be—I give it all to thee." That's what you and I have today, as God's sons and daughters. He's giving us our inheritance today, because we chosen to make Him our inheritance. Amen!