September 25, 2009

Solemn Assembly- A call to Repentance

Prayer--Abba Father, forgive us! For we have sinned and disobeyed You. We have disregarded Your Word and have failed to hear and listen to Your Voice. Help us to see and understand where we have gone wrong and repent. Remove the scales off our eyes and open our ears. Expose the lies, deceptions and false visions we have believed. Take us back to the foot of the cross, for a good long look, to see the cost, the humiliation, and Jesus’ bloody tortured body. Help us to understand and feel just some of the pain Jesus suffered. He bore all of our sins, sickness and diseases for us, and the whole world. Jesus also took all our guilt and shame upon Him. This sacrifice was so we could be free from the bonds of our sins and one with the Father again. We can't comprehend that kind of love Abba. You are, our only Hope and Salvation. You alone know and understand all our fears and weakness. How, we have allowed others to influence and lead us. There are many religious men and women who have tried to lead and failed to show us the way. They keep building their churches and saying, "this is the way." And we have followed like sheep being lead to the slaughter. We are just as guilty as they, because we followed man's example instead of yours. We listened to their voice instead of Jesus. They preached and we accepted a weaker gospel, one with out a cross to bear, because it was what we wanted to hear. Instead of planting seeds of truth, they have built bigger and bigger churches for you to dwell in, based on the laws, doctrines and traditions of men; creating denominations and division between our brothers and sisters. Forgive us for trying to confining God to a “box” and limiting you to our way of thinking. Your much bigger than anything we can imagine. Forgive us for allowing this to happen. Forgive us for letting our fears and circumstances control our lives instead of trusting God.

Abba Father, we need to build the Alter of Repentance back in our lives. It would be the proper foundation that Jesus Christ is looking for in His Church. That is why You is calling for a solemn assembly. "Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly," (Joel 2:15). It is a time for repentance, prayer and fasting, during the Tabernacle season (Sept.18-28). Father you're asking for one million of your sons and daughters across this nation and around the world to take part in this crucial time in history. Together we need to cry out for mercy and forgiveness not only for ourselves but, for our Nation, the world and the generations of souls to come. Father I believe we will heed the call, whether in churches, synagogues, or in home churches. Show us what we need to do to prepare our hearts, our homes and our place of worship. Reveal to us the idols in our hearts, our minds, and homes that need to be removed. Bring us back to a place of Holiness in Your eyes. Together on our knees, with broken and repentance hearts, we will yield our lives back to Almighty God.

Father, we also cry out for mercy for the sins of the church. All creation is groaning because we, the sons of God, have failed to follow your last commandment, "to love the Lord our God with all our heart and our neighbor as our self." We have become like spoiled children; a generation of selfish, jealous, bitter and unforgiving. Our feelings are so easily hurt when things don't go our way and we are quick to blame or point the finger at someone else’s mistakes. We give You and others so little time, money or thought because we are pleasure seeking and self-center; full of pride, lust, greed and a lot of fear, just like the rest of the world. We have not honored the Father, or His Word or obeyed them. God it is no wonder why You are shaking us, and this world; creating havoc within the world systems, especially the political and financial. Even the weather systems have displayed Your displeasure. We had a responsibility when we gave our lives to Jesus but we didn't follow through. As His disciples, we didn't take up our cross and follow Him. We were to be the salt and light to the world but we have become saltedless and barely a flicker of light, because we did not care enough. We made Jesus into our image and thought that it was acceptable to Him. We have filled our lives with all kinds of idols, replacing the love we should have for God alone, and that is the reason our Nation, and the world is the way it is today. We are suffering the consequences of all our actions or lack of them. Now, fear has griped many hearts and hope is waning. You've been trying to get our attention for so long, yet we have not listened, or acknowledge Your discipline, nor recognized the warning signs. We have failed to heed them and return to Abba God with all our heart. Yet, You still love us and want to help us. You have kept a remnant, Joel’s army; who have not bowed their knees. This holy army will bring hope and restoration to the Church and the world, through agape love and authority; revealing the Heart of the Father. They will bring Truth and blessings for now and the generations to come. We believe, that the Holy Spirit will come forth, like a mighty rushing wind and fire. The Spirit will sweep across this Nation, starting in the Northwest, and go around the world. Abba, You are The Promise to come, and there are so many more promises and blessings you want to fulfill, if we will only repent and obey.

Abba Father, now is the time, we desperately need You to save and forgive us, for we are lost without you. Make us Holy as you are Holy. Almighty God, give us new hearts and write your commandments them. Create in us a new and right spirit. Renew our minds by giving us a passion for Your precious Holy Bible. Father, forgive us for going along with the flow. Forgive us for allowing others to influence our decisions because of fears of what they may think. Forgive us for not taking the time to seek the truth out for ourselves. Give us the courage to do what is right even when other don't. Jesus, forgive us for not honoring you, our parents, and our spiritual leaders.

You have also given us more and made us more than we can comprehend if we will only believe. Jesus said, "I have given you all power and authority." We are the ones who have set the limits by our fears and false concept, and unbelief. Holy Spirit, we look to your leading for we are unable to do this of our own strength. Father your Word says, that God’s ways are not our ways nor has it entered the hearts of men all that you have planned for us. Therefore, Lord Jesus, we humbly bow before you, and we cast our crowns before Your feet. We are so thankful that You have heard our prayers and cries. We bless Your Holy Name, for You are a merciful God. Our desire is to see Your Kingdom established on earth, as it is in Heaven. For You alone are Holy and worthy of all praise, glory and honor. Yours’ is the Kingdom and the Power and the glory forever and ever. Amen