May 22, 2011

Intimacy with Christ

A Christian marriage should be picture or reflection of our spiritual marriage in Christ. When we accept Jesus Christ into our heart He became the Bridegroom and we, the Church, are now His bride. We have agreed to submit ourselves to the hand of Jesus. Therefore, He is now our husband, our Lord and Master. We are to become one with Him, body, soul and spirit. Together we share in His life as One, a mystery that has been veiled from most of the church and is just beginning to be revealed and will probably take years if not centuries to fully understand the implications of this revelation.

When we submit and offer everything to Him, then He offers everything to us, for this pleases Him. The Lord says,"All that I am and all that I have, and all that I reveal Myself to be, I give to you." Just like King Ahasuerus told Queen Esther, he would do whatever she ask. (Esther 7:2) This marriage is based on trust, one doesn't have to earn it. However, before Esther feared for her life because of a law, she didn't relize the law did apply to her because the King loved her. The same applies to us when we came back home to the Heavenly Father like the prodigal son. We now entered into that awesome relationship of sonship, and the Bride of Christ, and free from the Law. The relationship is based on unconditional LOVE.

The consummation of a spiritual marriage is done by faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. That faith, is the faith of Abraham, Yahweh's faith. And God is still looking for Abraham's faith to be seen in the earth today—one of complete trust. 

When we yield ourselves to Him we become the virgin bride, righteous, holy, and pure in His sight and we are to share one house, one faith, hope, vision, one heart, one authority and one bank account and much more. When we surrender our love and desires through an ongoing intimate relationship (spiritual intercourse with God) these thing will become more apparent. This marriage is alive and will continue grow, because it is based on the Promises and Covenant God made with Abraham that's eternal. "I will be God to you and to all your descendants after you."(Genesis 17:7) 

Jesus is our Husband and He has promised to love, provide, protect, restore and never leave us. His plan is to fulfill our greatest desires, some we may not even be aware of yet. These desire will consume us, body, soul and spirit.  And His desire is for complete restoration in all these areas. And He won't be content until He has succeeded in fulfilling every promise He has made. There is also no competition with God. He loves us as much as He loves Jesus. That's how awesome His love and jealousy is for us. 

Our courtship and marriage with Christ started before time. Yet we're only becoming aware of it through intimacy with Him. This relationship grows until it becomes so natural we don't even have to question or doubt who we are. For example: Does a husband in an earthly marriage ever question his relationship or desire for his wife or vis versa? No, of course not. 

The most important thing to remember, is that this marriage is bases on covenant, agape love, and not on human emotions. It never changes. We're to trust, obey, abide by leaning on His strong arms and follow Him. There's nothing we can do to earn His love. It was a wedding gift when we said, "I do." The Song of Songs, is a beautiful picture of our intimacy (union) with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our attitude and focus should be the same as Jesus.

So then, how do we get initiate with Christ? Remember, we love Him, because He first loved us. We say words like, I love you and want to know you more. Then you give ourselves to Him by doing what He asks us. Don't hold anything back—seriously, what do you have to lose. Study His Word, obey them and learn to abide. Read the book, Experiencing the Depth of Jesus, by Madame Jeanne Guyan or Practicing His Presence, by Brother Lawrence; if you don't know how to do this. 

Learn to recognize God's voice and spirit by waiting and meditating on Him. This is best done in silent prayer. He already knows our thoughts, so don't waist a lot of time with redundant words. Again I say, wait on Him. Lay your head on His chest and listen to His heart and know His desires. Even if you don't hear His voice their is a communications taking place that's not always known to the human brain, but you will eventually understand and know His intentions, if you have faith. Our spirit is fully conscious of His voice, even when we're asleep. 

Here our some other things you can do to build intimacy with Christ. Have you ever take bath or shower with you spouse? Well take one with God. Put in some bubble bath too, if you want. Light some candles, turn off the lights, play some worship or praise music, and sing to Him. Invite His presence into other rooms as well. You'll enjoy this and so will He. There are other ways to be alone with God. Get away from all the hassles by finding a "prayer closet" where you can eliminate the distractions of life. Take walks in the park. Or go outside at night and lay on the ground and look up at the stars to see the future, and count your blessings with Him. Take a drive or go camping alone with God. Or go to the lake or beach and bask in the warmth of His love. You can even play secular music at time if that is something you enjoy or watch a funny movie. He want us to enjoy the fullness of life and He knows we are also human. He wants to see us happy and laugh, because that please Him too. There are also times that we walk with Him in the valley of shadows and death, but we are not to fear for He is with us even when we don't sense His presence. God likes it when we take the initiative and being creative. Worship and love should never be boring.

Have communion alone with Him at home, it doesn't always have to be in a "church" setting with others. Go to a nice restaurant and celebrate His love and faithfulness for all His blessing, promises and provision, even for the ones to come. Or just lie on the floor at home, or on your bed and talk with Him. It's okay even to fall asleep reading His memoirs (Bible). Imagine kissing Him or kiss your Bible and stroke the pages of His love letters to you.

Never be ashamed of your love and passion for Him or your tears. Pour out your heart to him and most of all be honest. It's okay to get angry or scream at times when you don't understand what going on, because of certain circumstances, trials or the cross in ones life. They have their purpose even when we don't understand them. God wants to hear us express our emotions, doubts and fears, and not keep them all bottled up inside, so He can help us deal with them. Then He will cover you in His presence, and kiss your tear away as you kiss and makeup. He loves you, and nothing can ever change that, absolutely nothing. Trust Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge His way as painful as they may be at times. These things are for our good and will help make us stronger, and it will also helps others too, even thought you may not be aware of it. Life's not just about us. Our action affect others as well and for future generations.

Sometime you may even want to imagine dancing with Him. He doesn't mind if you step on His toes. You can even laugh together watching funny movies or reading a joke. Or you can just sit quietly and watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset that He's painting for you. Or read a good book that builds your faith and love for and in Him. Or maybe a humorous book like Son of Laughter, by Frederick Buechner that will help get rid of some religious spirits that keeps many people bound.

Reach out by faith and take His hand and follow wherever He goes. Sometimes, He will even want you to take the lead, because He trust you, After all, we share the same heart, thoughts and desires—imagine that. This level of intimacy and authority is what God wants and desires to give His bribe. Wow, and it not something we have to wait for until we die and go to heaven as many people and religion believe.

This type of spiritual intercourse or intimacy is not in vain and the reward will be far grater than anything we could ever imagine. Sometimes we may even feel like we're on a cloud or floating on air. It can be the ultimate high or ultimate orgasm for some who really get into it. You can get as much of God as you're willing to desire and believe for.

You would be surprised at how much God really enjoys spending these intimate times with you. If your married your spouse would enjoy this, right? So why should it be any different with your spiritual lover. God loves you and care more than you could ever imagine, because He knows you and who you really are— you're His bride. So let the honeymoon begin and may it never end.

Remember, you're never alone and he's always there to help you. You have been yoked together by this covenant marriage. And intimacy with Christ will heal every wound. I assure you, He hears every cry and stores every tear and you'll never be alone or forsaken in this marriage.