May 24, 2011

My Will For You

Well, I bet the last few articles were not something you expected. However, I am a husband and a lover and it is my desire to see marriages completely restored in every area. Too many people do not understand the ways of God or the destiny God has planned for them. I just try to share what I believe may help change that. Here's another prophecy that show the most important thing that God desire for us.

" The thing you need to fulfill the destiny on your lives is the presence of the Father, the voice of the Father, the heart of the Father. And that is what you're getting. It's magic. It's Fantastic. It's wondrous."

Before the foundations of the earth. I know this is going to be tough for you to see. But just pay attention and you'll get it. Before the foundation of the earth the fullness of God was seen. See we started at the finish. That it was finished. The full vision of God was revealed is sin. When I spoke everything into being. I spoke it with the intent of what I had seen. And My faith, became the substance of what I desired and seen. And the faith of Abraham certainly tapped into it. He became the patriarch manifestation of it. He took my mantle. He took mantel from heaven and became the father of faith.

Throughout human and biblical history, it has taught you that the plan of God has never been anything than what it was at the very beginning. It was seen before mankind took a breath. It was revealed and shown before then and it has always been the same. And mankind didn't change my destiny for creation; not for vision or for invisible worlds. And I'm quite aware that when we talk about God's plan reaches into the heavens and it affect the universe, and plants, and all the invisible, and visible worlds. I create the universe and look at it through my eyes, and made it to be a multi member Christ. Every planet, a being itself in that mans body, very planet prophesying of Christ, because everything does—everything does."

"Your life is a prophecy and nothing you do is going to change that. I've always protected you and gave you everything you needed, both of you. Everything for my will, for the sake of your lives. I gave you the parents, the schooling everything you would need for the kind of life you would need. The kind of brokenness you need, the kind of desires needed to be formed in you. The kind of squeezing and wine press that was necessary. I gave you (Israel) the wife that I gave you. I know the desires was for a good marriage, but what if I wanted it to be a completely hideous and horrible thing that would cause great stress upon you to the point to where you became an absolute picture of God that had not been seen of the earth. What if that was the plan? If you were truly called a Hosea or truly called an Ezekiel.

I know there's a popular gospel today that God wants you happy, and ultimately that's true. He does want you happy. But you know that every man that names the name of Christ, must die. Death on any level is death. Pain on any level is painful. And your lives prophecy. And you can try to change the tone of the prophecy if you like. You could try and change the words of the prophecy... You know you can't change the words of the prophecy. Sometime you blurt things out and it doesn't sound very kind, but it was still the truth. And it came from my heart and my anointing. And you can't manipulate and make God say things. He's not your puppet and your the ventriloquist and He's the dummy. Your life is a prophecy, both of your lives are, and you know it.

Sheldon, I love you. You're always the friend of my Son, friend of the King. Friend of my Son always. You're always the friend of Christ, you always were and wear it all over on the earth, that what you'll be. You're always my friend. You know we always understood each other without word. That we...those word are only understood telepathically to each others hearts. I've downloaded vision into you. It's coming forth. It's coming forth. I've downloaded vision into you and it's breaking forth. I'm downloading vision into both of you and it's breaking forth. It's breaking forth. Your lives are not a mistake, says the Lord. Your lives are beautiful to me. The expectations have been at times messy. Perhaps you didn't understand the way and will of God.

Israel, maybe your marriage was meant to be a shame. Maybe it was meant to prophecy something you didn't want to see prophesied. Maybe it will end in destruction and maybe it will end in glory. But, know for certain your life pleases me. And Roberta's life is pleasing to me.

I want you to listen to Me. The spirit realm is quiet tonight. My blood washes and cleans you from a lifetime of wrestling and fighting. So I can polarize the horror of you in this one beautiful direction of the Father. And know that the Father is healing every scar and turning every crappy thing into a happy thing. Whether you realize it in your own lifetime or whether it realized in your sons lifetime. I'm fulfilling my will and word in your lives. It didn't always make sense, because your expectations were skewered. You expected something that didn't pan out. Yet, the Father has always been pleased with you. Always been pleased with you Israel. Always pleased with you Sheldon. He always delights in you.

You see in Job where I bragged on Job. Can you imagine me bragging you?

(a portions of a prophecy from Sheldon David on April 1, 2011)